It's Gonna Be Noir - in Montreal
I am honored to collaborate with Speranza Spy for second ‘butoh ballet’ work. It’s by debut Canadian performance. Purely improvisational with live sound artists!
I am honored to collaborate with Speranza Spy for second ‘butoh ballet’ work. It’s by debut Canadian performance. Purely improvisational with live sound artists!
Who knew there would be improv in Glens Falls at the foothills of the Adirondacks in upstate New York? Join us for an evening of laughs in Pulp City Comedy’s debut show. Hosted by Second City’s Dale Mattison! Ticket's $10. Tickets:
I am honored to be performing three Putoh-inspired works! The Beauty Borg is back with an extended performance, a surprise collaboration with artist Xavier Lopez, and a new work from the long-term performance project “For Her Own Good: Chronicles of Women and Madness.” Click the link above for more details!
Not to miss if you are in Belgrade, Serbia! Although I cannot make it in person, I have a digital performance performed as a live duet, Two Pair and Twenty Toes, with Speranza Spy on 7/24. More of my performance videos are also being presented!
Artists who practice both fine and performing arts present their pieces and talk about how one art form informs the other, then they perform. Followed by a reception/party, food, drink, and conversation. Katherine is performing poetry - some of which have never been heard live! FREE!
Celebrating 26 years with Theater for the New City! The whip lights are back with the premiere of “Tia Maria,” an ode to my long-lost aunt in Mexico. Outdoors at TNC’s Chop Shop. Free!
The debut screening of CHOKED, Sunday, June 13 @ 3:00 pm at this year’s UNFIX NYC! Tix sliding scale
TNC is open for business! My first live performance…and it’s free!
Hooray, feminism is not dead! Come see the virtual premiere performance of Princess Mythology, a funny excerpt from my one-woman show, Escaping Biology. I'm part of a line-up of other great performers presented by the Irondale. Better yet, it's only $5!
Come see the devilishly fun performances. SWEET DESIRE makes its debut!
Celebrating 25 years with Theatre for the New City. Over 150 virtual performances to see, and it’s FREE!
An evening of lo-tech and high style butoh performances by artists from around the world.
BUTOH.BOLD.WOMEN. presented by Valngeline Theater. Don’t miss TRES CHIC: THE BEAUTY BORG.
I am honored to have my article, On and Through the Butoh Body included in The Routledge Companion to Butoh Performance edited by Bruce Baird and Rosemary Candelario. Thank you for this incredible opportunity to share my experience and insights with a global audience.
Premiere performance of Tres Chic: The Beauty Borg at the Obie-Award-winning Theatre for the New City. FREE!